Articles, Thoughts, More.
Articles, Thoughts, More. Emalie Wichmann    Associate Creative Director

Ho, Ho, Hold Up On That Holiday Social Post & Consider These Three Things

We’re in the thick of it. The heavy-up of holidays, getting as busy and bumpy as the inner aisles of Costco. For social media content creators, this bunched bounty of celebrated days is a bit of a gift: free ideas for daaaaays.

Or is it?

In the always-evolving, ephemeral universe of likes, shares and comments, holiday-related social media posts are actually the ultimate test for brands. Because this seemingly innocuous and obvious category of posts (some sources list more than 1,000 days to observe in a year) shines a bright light on two things: what your brand believes and how it shows up.

Whether it’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Month, Hannukuh or even National Cookie Day (Eeek-just missed it!), here are three things to consider to make sure your social media content calendar reflects your brand’s convictions:

1. Have we earned permission to post about this day?

Simply put, your commitment to the day or month you’re posting about has gotta run deeper than that day or month. For example, if you're considering a post about Kwanzaa, ask yourself how your company is authentically supporting African-American culture either through community involvement, concerted DE&I efforts in your hiring practices to create career opportunities for Black professionals or hopefully both and more. If the answer is “not a whole lot,” instead of working on a post, start working on a plan to get more involved.

2. What’s in it for our followers?

If it’s authentic (see 1), the answer can simply be a reminder of your shared values with your followers. For example, if you’re a hospitality brand and you’re creating a Thanksgiving post, go beyond “Happy Thanksgiving” and express gratitude for your guests and your staff for helping to make more gatherings possible. Even better, share a cranberry sauce recipe from the hotel chef.

Another idea to add interest to your post is to highlight a voice other than your own for a unique perspective on the day. Say it’s National Donut Day and you’re a telecom company, highlight your IP customer who owns a gluten-free bakery. Of course, there’s always the option of including a one-day promotional offer too.

3. Does this post look and sound like us?

This is not the time to go on autopilot, so resist hitting the “easy” button with clip art or royalty-free stock. Take the time to create an on-brand post that reflects your values as much as your standards in visuals and copy. The amount of effort you put into that post is emblematic of your sincerity toward the occasion.

So, this holiday season, ask yourself, are you adding value? Or just adding clutter? And keep these words of a wise strategist (hey, Jayne Dow!) in mind: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

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